Home Energy Tools Will Soon be Available at PEI Libraries

Charlottetown, PEI & Stratford, PEI: Switch Programs for the Town of Stratford and City of Charlottetown are pleased to announce the donation of seven infrared imaging devices and 10 energy meters to PEI Libraries. In the coming weeks, anyone with a provincial library card will be able borrow tools to determine just how energy efficient their homes really are.
The donation of these devices will go a long way to putting the ‘power’ in the hands of homeowners to do a home self-assessment. How much energy is being wasted and where? How efficient are home appliances, computers and lighting fixtures? Beth Clinton, regional librarian for the Charlottetown area is excited to see this addition to the library’s collection – a similar program for Radon detectors met with high demand.

The FLIR infrared imaging tool is a ‘single-spot’ thermometer, providing a non-contact temperature measurement with a thermal image display of the target. It will quickly point out any hot or cold zones in the household that could indicate wasted energy. The tool is designed for easy use around doors and windows, attic and crawl spaces, or basement walls and comes with the information needed to use and interpret the devices’ readings.
The energy meters are connected to electrical devices, such as appliances, to better understand how much power is being used and the cost of operating them. It will be possible to borrow more than one Energy Meter from the library to evaluate multiple appliances in the home.
To learn more about the Switch programs, this donation, or to see a demonstration of these devices, the municipalities of Stratford and Charlottetown are hosting a homeowner information session on Thursday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Stratford Emergency Services Centre, 4 Georgetown Road, C1B 2S6.
Switch Stratford and Charlottetown were created to help homeowners finance the cost and environment saving home energy upgrade projects, with 0% loans. However, their program mandate extends beyond that. Improving energy literacy and helping Islanders understand what they can do to make a positive change in their homes and their communities is a high priority.